Tag Archives: blog

My New French Project

Starting today, I am doing a new project on my French lessons blog. Learn French Now Free. I have began doing audio recordings of me reading French articles. I did this to actually practice and improve my French speaking skills. A sample of the recording could be found here. For the past two years, my French speaking practice would be composed of reading out aloud in classes, talking to a friend in the van when going home and making fun of others secretly. I think practicing in that way improved my speaking skills to only a limited level.

Right now I am starting to record news articles because I think I need to increase my French vocabulary. So far I have two in my blog and both are recent news about the Philippines. Maybe in time, I’ll be posting my own podcasts with various content. I’m not sure though whether I should make a show in English or in French or maybe even both. If ever I do both, maybe I should also get more people to do it with me.

For now, I am hoping that my audio recording project would really be successful in helping me improve my French speaking skills. Hopefully it will be a good resource too for French listening exercises.

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For all the Bloggers, Time to check your Spelling and Grammar

Again I found this interesting thing on The Oatmeal. I am really annoyed, if I read tweets, blog entries or statuses that have a lot of grammatical errors and misspelled words. Being a language major, I am particular with these mistakes. I myself admit that I do commit these mistakes sometimes, but before I publish anything, I make sure I read it again.

The 10 Words You Need to Stop Misspelling



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Come to think of it , I couldn’t blame native speakers of the language if they commit these mistakes above. They are so used to their language that the rules of grammar and spelling are usually not taken into account. I must admit that, if I am to use Filipino in writing, I might have a lot of mistakes too.

However since the Internet is a global medium, I tend to use English since it is a language that most people understand. So that’s it learn how to blog better with the pictures above.

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Quirkology: Another discovery from WordPress

I recently discovered a blog by psychologist, magician and author Richard Wiseman. I really love how he blends psychology, magic, optical illusions and puzzles to make his blog really interesting. It just provides a new level of interaction by providing his readers new insights on how the mind works.

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Watch his youtube videos and be amazed with his videos on how our minds tend to think of how things works but in reality we are missing a lot. Go ahead see for yourselves.

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